3B Scientific - page 128

3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® B i o l o g y
Exper iment s
Blood tes t s
Mystery of the Blood Stain
Students as forensic pathologists!
Based on a stain of blood found at a fictitious crime scene, a murder has
to be resolved. The first thing to do is to check whether the stain is really a
blood stain. Next, the blood group and Rhesus factor have to be identified
and then compared with samples of the victim and various suspects. As a
result, the murderer can be convicted and the crime solved. This simula-
tion experiment guarantees an exciting lesson in which your students will
learn a lot about blood groups and how to identify them.
Supplied with:
3 Simulated Sera (Anti-A, Anti-B, Anti-RH) (each 30 ml), 40 Blood typing
trays, 1 Cheese cloth, 1 Crime Scene Simulated Neo/BLOOD sample (25 ml),
3 Suspect Simulated Neo/BLOOD samples (each 25 ml), 40 Stirring sticks,
blue, 40 Stirring sticks, yellow 40 Stirring sticks, green, description.
Suitable for secondary school education.
30x23x6 cm; 1 kg
Blood Typing with Rhesus factor
This long-life experimental kit allows your students to determine blood
groups with Rhesus factor without any risk of infection. They can examine
the artificial “blood” of 4 fictitious people and determine their blood group
and Rhesus factor. Distinct agglutinations can be seen. The size of red and
white “blood corpuscles” and the number of corpuscles per mm
can be
determined using a microscope.
Supplied with:
4 dropper bottles of artificial blood (A, B, AB and 0), 1 dropper bottle each
of artificial anti-A, anti-B and anti-Rh serum, 48 washable permanent test
trays with 3 wells, 50 mixing sticks, detailed teacher’s information with
agglutination diagram. The supplied materials suffice for approx. 45 to
50 samples.
24x17x6 cm
AIDS is already an important topic for secondary school students!
But how does an AIDS test work?
The students study the immunobiological phenomenon of the antigen-
antibody reaction. They learn that the ELISA immunoassay is an important
tool to detect the HI virus. They simulate ELISA screenings with artificial
blood serum of 10 fictitious individuals to determine their HIV status. In
this way, they gain insight into the field of immunobiology and the particu-
lar meanings of terms such as “positive” and “negative” and “false positive”
and “false negative”. The students get to know basic concepts of immuno­
biology and understand how the ELISA HIV screening test works. They ob-
serve simulated ELISA antibody-antigen reactions and finally analyze the
ELISA test result.
Supplied with:
20 8-microwell strips, 8 Micro-spatulas, 10 Plastic pipettes, 10 Medicine
cups, 2 Vials with glass beads coated with simulated HIV antigen, Simulated
anti-human antibody enzyme linked conjugate (10 ml), 2 Simulated chrom-
agen (10 ml), 9 Simulated patients sera (10 ml), 1 Simulated negative con-
trol serum (10 ml), 1 Simulated low positive control serum (10 ml),
1 Simulated high positive control serum (10 ml), description.
30x22x10 cm; 1.5 kg
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