3B Scientific - page 10

3 B S c i e n t i f i c ® B i o l o g y
Anatomi ca l Mode l Human
Ske l etons
All 5 leg roller stands have brakes  
Classic Skeleton Stan, on 5 feet Roller Stand
This classic model (we call him Stan) has been the standard of quality in
hospitals, schools, universities, and laboratories for over 50 years. Choose
from 5 models to suit your individual preference – of course each one has
all standard benefits of a 3B Scientific® skeleton.
170 cm; 7.6 kg
Detail of 9982-1000028
Classic Skeleton Stan,
on Hanging 5 feet Roller Stand
with Brake
186 cm; 8.3 kg
3B Scientific® Skeletons – Value for Money
When choosing a skeleton model, you are bound to find considerable differences with regard to
quality and price. A cheap skeleton may seem appealing to your budget, but does it also offer you
reliable quality and attention to anatomical detail? Is it free of chemicals to ensure that you and
your pupils, students, staff or patients are not subjected to any hazardous substances? Will it serve
you well for many, many years or will you need to buy a replacement after only a few months?
Before making your purchase decision, please consider the following points:
• All 200+ bones are represented, even the hyoid and the styloid process
• A natural cast with true to original surface structure
• The arms and legs can be easily removed and reattached
• The skull can be disassembled and reassembled with ease
• Includes all subcranial openings
• The eye sockets are naturally shaped and the optic canal is portrayed
• The cartilage of the ribcage is hard wearing and robust
• The ribcage is assembled robustly and will not collapse in itself
• The materials used are high quality and durable
• All metal parts are made of stainless steel
• The model is safe and toxicologically harmless
Our range of true-to-original 3B Scientific® skeletons made of unbreakable plastic
fulfils all of these demands. We grant you a three year warranty for that and the
promise that every one of our skeletons is a high quality product with an outstand-
ing price performance ratio. 3B Scientific not only promises quality on paper, but
has made it the measure of all actions – ISO 9001:2008 certified and tested by inde-
pendent auditors.
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